Seller's revenue & fee


Gone are the days when you have to lose a big chunk of your hard earned money as marketplace fee and bear injustice of marketplace fee. We respect and value hard work of a seller and believe that he is the one who should get a justified amount in return of his hard work.

We give 90% amount to seller for every single purchase. We only charge flat 10% as marketplace fee. No complicated fee structure and absolutely no hidden charges or anything other than that. You just focus on giving great products/listings and we will focus on selling it. Our handsome revenue shaing system will help you grow you as seller and also we as marketplace.

We take only 10% and we will give you 90% of your selling revenue on every sale to help you grow because we know that if you grow, we will grow as well.

Still have any question? Contact us with your questions and we will answer all of your queries

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